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I am a Wife of God. He is your Father and I am your Mother. The Family of God is now existing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Three Unholy Gods

Most Christian worship three gods.

They are three persons enjoying one another in relationship.  

They don't need anyone to be happy.  And there is not much motivation for them to be with the humans that are on a lower standard than them.  Because you always enjoys the best joy and happiness with those equal to you.  The moment someone is of a lower standard or character than you then relationship with such a person is not what you have with those on your standard.   

For instance when you have a relationship with a dog that is on a lower standard than human beings.  Then there is not much room for happiness there.  The greatest possibility of the greatest happiness is between human beings.  Of course because many experience the sin of the humans as a stumbling block they tend to ran for dogs.  Which is very foolish of course.  Same with the three gods.  It seems very foolish to expect them to have time and energy for the humans that are on such a low level to themselves. 
This boils down to these three gods to be holy to one another.  Where they enjoy one another in relationship of love and get their quality of life of happiness from that relationship.  And thus they don't have much time and attention for those on a lower level or lower character than themselves.  Which are the human beings of course. 

This mean they are unholy to the humans.  One would wonder now why these three gods will have relationship with the humans.  Why they would spend any time with them.  Except to brag about themselves and how "good" they are together in their holiness between themselves.  And need the "worship" of the human beings.  Looking up at them and worshiping them for being such "good" gods in their relationship between one another.  So we would expect that they would rather show more of how they enjoy one another between themselves so that the humans can look some more at them and have some more reason to worship them.  So it seems a bit foolish of them not to do it. 

The bottom line is this.  Between them and the humans can be no holiness.  And thus they become the three unholy gods. 

And Judged and sent to hell of course.  Where they belong.  In their selfish lifestyles of wanting the humans to worship them and honor them for being the three perfect gods.  So enjoy their "burning" now.  Where they are now.  In the Real Hell.

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