Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I Am that I Am

Most in Christianity know these Words God spoke. When He comforted Moses who had to go and save Israel from Egypt. Where He used it to say He really is Jehovah. Where Jehovah/Yahweh/Yahuah means the Living God. And in all His dealings with Israel He established Himself as the Living God to them as Provider, Healer, Warrior, Father, Righteousness, Holiness etc. for them. Their Servant. To be all of it to them. The Greatest Servant.

When they turned away from Him to another "god", then they lost all of this. They then became miserable slaves to a "god" who is not Jehovah. Which enjoys being God and they being inferior slaves. And then that god of hatred manifested in their lives and they also went physical into slavery. And suffered the abuse of slavery from another god which is not Love but hatred.

Then Jesus came.

Where Jesus is so much more of God to us. He came as the Life. Our Life. The Life we lost. When we died in Adam. Because in our death we became intellectual. Living from the tree of knowledge. Enjoying knowledge and where we live by it. in creating for ourselves a live in knowledge. But asking God to bless us in the live we create for ourselves in being blessed in our own creations. But it is our creation. That is why we learn it is a fallible, weak, sinners being. Dead Adam being. With which God can not assist us. Because then we would not see who we became.

In this life of humanity we experience an inferior being to the Living God. And start "thinking about Him". How great his Superiority is. And we enter in our thinking a worship situation of worship of His Greatness. To just one day in the afterlife not being send away from him to "hell". That is our sole connection with Him and His Glory. Which always reminds us of our inferiority to Him.

In this "thinking" about God all think differently about Him. And division starts. And division rules. And 45 000 different Christian denominations exists. But all thinking they know God correctly. That is religion. The gospel of the mind of man where he devised his own gospel. Thinking he knows it.
God Himself did not give Religion. Because He is not into it. He is not into "thinking about Himself". He is into being God. He is God. He said I am that I am. And we know it.

Jesus, the Word on our Salvation, is so much more. Because God is so much more. And thus His Gospel to us from a God of Love is so much more than the mind can conceive. Which thinking about God and Jesus can conceive. Jesus came as the Life we lost. Where God in His Love entered as Perfect Saving Grace. In giving us His Life to Live and Be. In the Real Gospel of Jesus being our Life we entered experiencing God in Living the Life of Jesus. When we entered our Saving from our sin in our Righteousness in Jesus we entered Experiencing Righteousness in Him. That is the Righteousness of God being enjoyed in being Lived. Where we experience I am Righteous. The I Am of God. Where God said it is our Milk we drink. It creates that very Life of a Baby God experiencing and being Righteous in us. And when we can speak fluently on our Righteousness in knowing it because we are Living it we move on. Into Meat.

The Meat is Growing more in the Character of God. Who God is in us being His Child or Son. Where we Grow up in the Life of our Father. Which is more Life of Jesus in Us. Where Jesus is the Living Word to us that we entered in Living it too. And we enter all the Characteristics of God. In being His Child and growing up in being more Jesus. Till the Fullness of Jesus which is the Fullness of God. Where we are no longer Child but Adult. Adult in Jesus. Adult in the Word of God. Where the Word of God created this Life in us by which we Life as Child of God in His Life. And called Son now because we reached the Fullness of being Son.

The Word gives us Life of God. To Live it. Not to think about it. Not to think how great God is and how superior He is. The Word is not thinking but Growing up in the same life of God. His very Life. Not being inferior in being human in thinking how big God is but being more God in Living it and Being it. Living and Being God. Enjoying God Life in being it. Being more Jesus. In Being Jesus. It is a Being of Jesus and not a thinking about how great He is while we are so inferior. This is a worship of Jesus in being so "superior" and us so "inferior". But The Word to us of Jesus is also not us being superior to Jesus. But being the same. Not more Jesus and not less Jesus. Just Being Jesus.

And now our mind knows Being Jesus. Not thinking about Him. But knowing him because we are Living Him in being Him. Where we experience Jesus. This is not experiencing and being the first Jesus. That Jesus was the Word. Now we are not the Word but the Life of the Word. Which is the second Jesus we are Living and Being. Because we are Living from the Word of the First Jesus. Where the first Jesus of The Word became our Life to us in us being the second Jesus. Or the second coming of Jesus. In being alive as Jesus on the earth. Not the Word that gives us the Life but the actual Life that the Word creates.

This knowledge that I am the Living Jesus and Being Jesus where we experience the I AM of God is the Purpose of The Word. To create the Reality. I am that I am. I am Jesus. The second Jesus. Not inferior to the Word and not superior to the Word that God gave us. Just being the Life of the Word in being the second Jesus. In knowing I am that I am. I am now Jesus the Person. The One Living on earth as Jesus. The Person the Word is raising. From Baby to Adult. Not becoming it but being it all the Way. The Manifestation of the Word. Or the Reality of the Word. Or the Real Jesus. I am that I am. I am Jesus. That is finding our Identity in Jesus the Word to be the actual Person.

I am the Person of Jesus. This is not being Righteous which is just a Characteristic. This is being the Person. I am that I am. That is who our Father is and which He gives to His Children also. He is a Person and so are they. They are not less than He is. Only a Characteristic of Him. No. They are the Son. To be who they are. Which is The Second coming. Because the First coming of Jesus can never happen again. It is past. It is the Word by which We Live as the Person our Father enjoys in us being the Purpose of the Word. The Reality of it. Which both Persons enjoy in a Personal Relationship of Father and His Son. Born of Him. The same as He is.

I am that I am is not "thinking about Jesus" thinking about God but being Jesus and being God. In actual Identity of being the Child of God in our Father's Life He raised us in. To become Adults in the Word of the Son. Adult Jesus. In our Fullness of Jesus. And when Jesus enters His Fullness He enters being Judge and King. Because He enters Wisdom of God which is Living as Judge and King.

In being the Person and not the Word in the Second coming religion is Judged. Being is the Reality of the Gospel vs the religion which is the thinking about the gospel. Jesus is the Reality of the Word vs. religion which is the thinking about the Word. Jesus is the reality of the Son of God vs religion which is the thinking about God. Jesus is Loving God vs religions which are worshiping God as inferior beings who are slaves in their worship spirit given to them for this purpose they desire. Jesus is also the Real Temple/Church of God vs Organizations of man which they call the churches/temples. Which is part of the foolishness of thinking and making temples for god as humans. And they are Judged too. Because the Life came. God on earth and replacing all man made structures, organizations religions titles etc. The Life stands opposed to thinking. Where thinking and its creations are man's creation and Jesus is God's Creation.

The Live of Jesus is where He is a Living Being. A Living Person. The fullness of the manifestation of the Word of the Son or Child. Is this the end of God? Is there nothing more in His Mind? Can there be an End to God in only Being Child? Is that all God is? Is that His Fullness? Nope. This is just the end of the NT. The end of the Revelation to the Apostles to create the Child and Son. But for sure it is not the end of God and not the display of His Fullness as God. He Himself is not a Son. He Himself is not just an Adult Son. He is so much more. And thus in His Mind is so much more.

Now comes the further Revelation on what is in the mind of God. And it manifests as the Word of the Bride. Where the Life of the Son is left behind. It is another rapture. The first rapture was out of human life and into God Life. As the Child and Son. Now the second rapture is out of being Son and into being Bride.

Without the Word of the Bride there is no Life of Being Bride. Only God can create Life. And only Word from Him can create the Bride as Person. But we know the Bride exists. In the mind of God. He did mention it to John on Patmos. And those who entered Living from His mind in Revelations from Him has no problem finding that Word. And speak it. And it becomes Living Word in it being Alive and Lived in those who have "ears to hear". Just as the Children experienced growing in Revelation which was Dad speaking to them so Dad start speaking new Words. The Words of the Bride and Bridegroom.

This Word of these two Persons of Bride and Bridegroom is not in the NT. They were only mentioned briefly in Revelations of John. And just as the Life of the Child came from the OT where the Child was the shadow of the Reality in the NT and much of Paul's Revelation came from his OT knowledge so the Life of the Woman is in the OT. Also as the shadow of the Reality. Just as the Child was the shadow of the NT Reality in us. There in the OT we find the fullness of the Character of our Father who becomes now our Bridegroom. The shadow of the Woman is there. Israel was also the Wife of God and the Mother of the Child. Which is the Person of the Woman.

In the NT perspective the Adult Child enter the Life of another Person. Also in Personal Relationships. That of Woman. And just as the OT was interpreted in the NT in the Creation of the Life of the Son the OT is now again interpreted in the Life of the Bride. To create the Woman. Where only Life is the Truth. Only what manifests as Living Reality is the Truth. Because the Word was the Person of Jesus and the creation of the Person of Jesus. And now the Word again is the Creation of the Person of the Bride. And the Relationship of Bride and Bridegroom.

In the OT all was already prepared by God. And we discover the Song of Songs. Which God gave to Solomon to write in the Gift Solomon had from Him. Which creates a New Love and a New Life. Bride Life. Womanhood in Love. In the entrance of the Bride and the New Relationship called Honeymoon by us. Where Man and Woman enters in discovering each other as Companions. Equal Persons. Just different in function and ability. Where Man is not superior but different. That creates True Companionship. Bone of His Bone and Flesh of His Flesh. Taken from Him in a birth as a Child. Raised by Him in His Life. To enter Equality in His creation of Love.

The Live going with this Life is Wisdom of Solomon. And we discover Proverbs. Now as the Creation of our Ruling Authority. Which creates the Life of the Judge and King. Where we enter Ruling in Wisdom on planet earth. Born King, raised King to be King. Where a New and Greater Spirit will Rule. Displacing the present fear spirit which is just an angel created by God for the ruling authority of humans. Where they keep peace in fear of being punished or totally annihilated. For the Perfect Ruling in Jesus in Love and Wisdom all over the earth in all who entered this Life as Adult Child in the Name of Jesus in His second coming in being also Bride and Wife of the Living God. God's Fullness manifested on earth. His Perfect Family in a Wife and Mother and Husband and Father and their Son, Jesus. 

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I Am that I Am

Most in Christianity know these Words God spoke. When He comforted Moses who had to go and save Israel from Egypt. Where He used it to say H...