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I am a Wife of God. He is your Father and I am your Mother. The Family of God is now existing.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Our Father is Holy

Holiness is to be separated from everything.  God is holy to us.  He is separated from everything to us.  There is nothing in His Life to which we come second.  He finished with His creation and it is being looked after by His angels.  He can now fully concentrate just on us and give us all of His attention.

We come first in His Life.  He has nothing but Us.  Because He is One.

He created everything in order for us to be part of His Life.  Now we can understand why He created Adam one.  Because Adam was created in His image.  And now we can understand why He need a Wife too.  And why He needs Children too.  He is a Father in His Love.  And only in Having a Wife and Children can He be the Father that He is.

Now He is busy with the heart of His Creation.  He is busy creating His Family.  Giving birth to His Children and raising them to become Adults and His Wife.  And in having His Companions and His Children His Life is complete.  And ours are also complete in having our Godly Family.

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